Sunday, February 15, 2015

Electronics and electrical in हिन्दी..............

HI! every one. 

this is educational blog.

I'm creating my blogs for the peoples who understand better in hindi (हिंदी).

Work is in progress......................................

What is electronics?(Electronics क्या है।)
The branch of science which deals with the study of such objects and materials, which properties and applications are depend on electron behavior or electron theory.
Electronics को हिन्दी में अणुगतिकी कहते हैं।
अणुगतिकी, विज्ञान की वह शाखा है, जिसमे हम ऐसे devices के बारे में अध्यन करते हैं, जिनकी विशेषता और अनुप्रयोग, इलेक्ट्रॉन के व्यवहार पर निर्भर करते हैं।

  1. Physics 12th in Hindi.
  2. Trigonometric table(Sin, Cos,....)
  3. What is??????
  4. Fundamental of electrical engineering
  5. Electronic component and material
  6. Analog electronics -1
  7. Principle of communication engineering
  8. Network, filter and transmission lines
  9. Digital electronics -1
  10. Electrical machine
  11. Analog electronics -2
  12. Communication engineering  -1
  13. Digital electronics -2
  14. Power electronics
  15. Instrumentation
  16. Consumer electronics
  17. Electronics instrument and measurement
  18. Trouble shooting of electronic equipment
  19. Communication engineering -2
  20. Digital and data communication
  21. Microprocessor and application
  22. Optical fibre communication
  23. Mobile communication
  24. Micro controller and PLC s
  25. Computer networking